DAM Capital
Institutional Equities
Our institutional equities platform is characterized by its comprehensive research and an experienced sales and trading team, providing services to our clientele across investor categories. The key aspects of our institutional equities platform are as follows:
Research : Our research coverage includes fundamental research, macro-economic research and differentiated products such as thematic research, weekly insights and research as per client’s requirements.
Sales : Our sales team covers geographies including India, USA, UK, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, Middle East and South Africa. Based on the deep understanding of client needs and investment philosophy, our sales team does targeted and customised marketing of research products and also helps clients with corporate and lateral access, as well as data analysis.
Sales trading : Our sales trading team has execution abilities across cash segment, including blocks and derivatives segment.
The institutional equities business, as of October 31, 2024, comprises of 29 employees in research and 34 employees in our broking team. They service 263 active clients including registered FPIs spread across geographies such as India, USA, UK, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, Middle East and South Africa.
One of our key strengths is to facilitate investor interactions and liaise between corporates and investors through conferences, roadshows and expert calls. We have organized events and conferences in emerging sectors such as data centres, semiconductors and smart meters.